Cron - HackerNet
Code: $ ls -l /dev/null crw-rw-rw- 1 root system 2, 2 Apr 27 13:45 /dev/null. << EOF is the open of a here-document: Quote: man ksh. << [-]word The shell input is read up to a line that is the same as word. So, in your case: Code: cmd 2>/dev/null/ <
Därför är det nog bättre
2 posts • Page 1 of 1. blend: Posts: 60 Jag är en noob när det gäller Linux/Unix. Vad jag Du kan skicka felmeddelandena till /dev/null om du inte vill se dem. LTSP, Mac OS X v10.2, XPilot, Unix time, Mac OS X v10.3, Nslookup, Chroot, Daemon, Iconv, A/UX, LILO, Ken Thompson, Tux, Irix, Ls, Sudo, /dev/null, Z/OS,
10 * * * * /usr/bin/php / > /dev/null 2>&1 Detta görs bäst när man tittar på UNIX-tidsstämpeln, det totala antalet sekunder sedan
på våra webhotell. find . -name scripts > /dev/null 2>&1: This command all together stops printing the messages on the screen. Why would you want to discard something into the void? /dev/null is a device file that acts like a blackhole. Whatever that is written to it, get discarded or disappears. When you run a script that gives you an output and if we add a > /dev/null 2>&1 at the end of the script, we are asking the script to write whatever that is generated from the script (both the output and error messages) to /dev/null. << EOF is the open of a here-document: Quote: man ksh. << [-]word The shell input is read up to a line that is the same as word. So, in your case: Code: cmd 2>/dev/null/ < Proper nounEdit. In more detail: 2 represents the error descriptor, which is where errors are written to. By default they are printed out on the console. 2>/dev/null. The general form of this one is M>/dev/null, where "M" is a file descriptor number. /dev/null is a special device that discards everything that is written to it. Putting all together, this line of code stores the standard output of command ls $directory_/fallback_* 2> /dev/null into the variable scriptlist, and the standard error is discarded. 2 is the file descriptor of stderr, and this example redirects it to /dev/null. Specifying 2>/dev/null will filter out the errors so that they will not be output to your console.
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